Getting More from Comala Workflows


This course builds on our “Getting Started with Comala Workflows” material and provides you with a deeper look into Comala Workflows. It will equip you with the knowledge and insight necessary to optimize your workflow-enabled pages, and to understand it’s administrate workflows.

Duration:  4 hours
Level:  Intermediate/Advanced


  •  Introduction to Comala Workflows
  •  How to create and build flexible and portable Comala workflows
  • Triggers and Custom Notifications
  • Creating flexible and responsive workflows using value references
  • Using conditions to create advanced reviews and triggers
  • Workflows Reporting
  • Adding dynamic reports from workflows to your content
  • Global and space administration and configuration for workflows
  • Managing and applying workflows to your content across content in your space


This course is intended for Confluence space and Instance Administrators. Or anybody that wants to understand how to use , create and apply Comala Workflows across a space or instance. You should be an Intermediate/Advanced user of Confluence with, at a minimum, prior experience and/or a good understanding of administrating spaces in Confluence.


No other courses are required. Good working knowledge of Confluence and its basic administrative functions is recommended.